Saturday, July 7, 2012

Baby Laundry

Okay, so this is my new favorite laundry soap for Princess' laundry. Since she was born I have tried various brands and products and did not like any of them. Some irritated her skin, some left a wierd film on her clothes, some didn't clean as well and some smelled really funky. I finally found this one and because I love all their products, I knew it would be a hit and sure enough it was. I love it. It cleans well and is really gentle. The clothes come out nice and it doesn't irritate her skin at all. And the smell is so fresh, I just love it! Mrs. Meyers Clean Day products are all aromatherapeutic and will make your house just smell fresh and amazing. And I truly believe that they work so well. They are not any more expensive than your other everyday cleaning products either so that is awesome as well.

I am a huge believer in Aroma Therapy. I often times find a lot of these types of things to be more of a hoax but I really do believe in this one. Especially since my pregnancy. I had one of those awful pregnancies where I threw up all day every day and was totally miserable. Contrary to what I had always heard, smells did not make me nauseous. However, when I was ill there were certain scents of essential oils that I use for Aroma Therapy that would completely take the feeling away. It was amazing.

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