Saturday, July 7, 2012

Apricot A Lot

Who doesn't love apricots right? My neighbors who are a little obsessed with gardening and are darn tootin good at it, sent my son home with two big shopping bags of apricots. Yum, yum. The kiddos are chowing down on them and the hubby blended some up for the Princess tonight too. She was a little unsure at first but then gobbled them down.


I am fortunate enough not only to have one but two common fig trees. Figs are super delicious and extremely high in calcium and fiber so you can imagine how delighted I am that the kids are just eating them up. They are great to just peel and pop in your mouth but I also peel and slice them and sprinkle them with brown sugar for dessert. Super delic!! A wonderful snack for everyone. Now is the time to get them. You should look for some at your local Farmer's Market.

Bathroom Cleaner

Another favorite item of mine. I love Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Lemon Verbana Bathroom Cleaner. I love to use Bathroom Cleaners that will keep my bathroom smellin fresh and clean for days. I do clean my bathroom at least twice a week but you know how fast the clean smell can disappear in a bathroom. This stuff is amazing. My eleven year old son doesn't exactly have the best aim with his toothpaste and spit that goes along with it, a couple of days of two to three times a day brushing and his bathroom sink is blue rather than white. Not only did this cleaner take off the caked on toothpaste mess with just one wipe but four days later and my bathroom still smells just the same. I could not ask for a better cleaner. The smell is amazing as well. And let's all admit, when cleaning is easier and the scent just warms us up, it does add a little perk to it.

Baby Laundry

Okay, so this is my new favorite laundry soap for Princess' laundry. Since she was born I have tried various brands and products and did not like any of them. Some irritated her skin, some left a wierd film on her clothes, some didn't clean as well and some smelled really funky. I finally found this one and because I love all their products, I knew it would be a hit and sure enough it was. I love it. It cleans well and is really gentle. The clothes come out nice and it doesn't irritate her skin at all. And the smell is so fresh, I just love it! Mrs. Meyers Clean Day products are all aromatherapeutic and will make your house just smell fresh and amazing. And I truly believe that they work so well. They are not any more expensive than your other everyday cleaning products either so that is awesome as well.

I am a huge believer in Aroma Therapy. I often times find a lot of these types of things to be more of a hoax but I really do believe in this one. Especially since my pregnancy. I had one of those awful pregnancies where I threw up all day every day and was totally miserable. Contrary to what I had always heard, smells did not make me nauseous. However, when I was ill there were certain scents of essential oils that I use for Aroma Therapy that would completely take the feeling away. It was amazing.